The Fitness Journey: Expectation vs Reality... and Why Your Mirror Might be Lying to You

body dysmorphia

Hey there, guys and gals! Have you ever felt like you're pedalling on a stationary bike to nowhere? Like you're pumping iron at the gym, but the only thing getting stronger is your frustration? Don't worry, you're not alone. In the land of fitness, the journey from flab to fab can sometimes feel more like a marathon through molasses.

So, why is it that despite your best efforts, those abs still refuse to show up for the party? Well, my friend, welcome to the wild world of fitness results - where progress is a sneaky little thing that likes to play hide and seek with your mirror.

First off, let's address the elephant in the room: instant gratification. We live in a world where we want everything pronto - instant coffee, instant messaging, hell, even instant noodles! But sorry to burst your bubble, fitness results don't come on that express train. Not sustainably anyway- and that’s what you want. Nope, they're more like that slow-cooked stew your grandma makes; takes time, but dang, it's worth the wait.

So, why does it feel like your six-pack is more like a "sixer" of soda? Well, folks, meet your mirror - the ultimate trickster. You see, it's not that you're not making progress; it's just that your mirror is playing peek-a-boo with those gains and fat losses. Think about it: you see yourself every day, right? It's like watching paint dry - you just don't notice the small changes happening over time.

Let's break it down, shall we? You see, most of us are guilty of what I like to call "mirror blindness." It's a condition where you stare at yourself in the mirror every day, yet somehow manage to miss the subtle changes happening right before your eyes. It's like trying to spot a snowflake in a blizzard or finding Waldo in a sea of stripes - nearly impossible!

But fear not, because here's where the plot twist comes in: progress isn't always visible to the naked eye. Nope, it's more like a covert operation, happening stealthily behind the scenes while you're busy flexing in the mirror.

But here's the kicker: progress isn't just about the numbers on the scale or the inches lost around your waist. Nope, it's about the small victories that happen every single day - the extra push-up you managed to squeeze in, the heavier weight you managed to lift, the high-protein stir fry you chose over the pizza, or the fact that you resisted the urge to hit snooze and dragged your ass to the gym before work.

And that, my friends, is where progress photos come into play. Ah, yes, those awkward snapshots we take in our skivvies every few weeks. At first glance, they may seem cringe-worthy, but trust me, they're worth their weight in gold and you’ll be glad you took them.

You see, progress photos are like your fitness time capsule. They capture the journey from point A to point B, documenting every sweaty step along the way. They serve as a reminder that progress isn't always linear - sometimes it's two steps forward, one step back, and a whole lot of sideways shimmies thrown in for good measure.

So, the next time you're feeling discouraged because your reflection isn't quite matching up to your expectations, take a deep breath and remind yourself that progress is a marathon, not a sprint. It's about the small daily wins, the consistent effort, and the unwavering commitment to becoming the best version of yourself.


And hey, if all else fails, just remember: Rome wasn't built in a day, but they were laying bricks every hour. So keep laying those bricks, my friends, and before you know it, you'll one day look in the mirror and be proud of how far you’ve come (although you should be proud every day!)


Until next time, keep sweating and smiling!


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